2011年7月9日--马来西亚人民走上街头为争取干净的选举而和平游行--然则马来西亚联邦政府执政党一再指责净选盟【这次号召人民觉醒的组织】是非法 组织-企图引起暴乱制造社会不安宁--出动镇爆警察在各著名街道强压与会人士-甚至追打采访记者和向躲进医院的人民发射催泪弹。。。马来西亚警方向医院发 射催泪弹的照片和新闻以及短片的证据在FACEBOOK不难找到的说。。。
really salute to her spirit



係遊 行時,遇到呢位婆婆。佢老人家今年已經七十九歲。同佢非常有緣,係返屋企途中,婆​婆竟然同我都係落同一個車站。係路途中,婆婆同我講咗好多 嘢,佢話到你地後生仔依家都​好積極咁為自己唧國家出一份力,期望有一個更自由,更美好唧家園。婆婆仲話到,佢咁唧​年紀都唔知幾時 先可以等到佢嚮往唧美好家園。期望有一天可以等到,係不舊唧將來。

你的泪光 柔弱中带伤 惨白的月弯弯 勾住过往

夜太漫长 凝结成了霜 是谁在阁楼上 冰冷地绝望 雨轻轻弹  

朱红色的窗 我一生在纸上 被风吹乱

梦在远方 化成一缕香 随风飘散你的模样

菊花残 满地伤 你的笑容已泛黄

花落人断肠 我心事静静淌

北风乱 夜未央 你的影子剪不断

徒留我孤单在湖面 成双


花已香完 飘落了灿烂 凋谢的世道上 命运不堪

愁莫渡江 秋心拆两半 怕你上不了岸 一辈子摇晃

谁的江山 马蹄声狂乱 我一身的戎装 呼啸沧桑

天微微亮 你轻声的叹 一夜惆怅如此委婉

菊花残 满地伤 你的笑容已泛黄 花落人断肠 我心事静静淌

北风乱 夜未央 你的影子剪不断 徒留我孤单在湖面 成双


[有 图为证!!警员向医院发射催泪弹/水炮]


但 是,在这里,我们找到证据了!!!

一名在同善医院负责救护车事务的职员指出,警方一共向医院前的集会者发射了3枚催泪弹​,更 直接朝医院的大门发射水炮,驱逐聚集在医院大楼大门外的集会者。


警 方是在昨天下午3点30分左右,朝大楼旁的同善中医院和男职员宿舍的净选盟集会者,​分别发射一枚和两枚催泪弹。
警方更直接冲上同善中 医院外逮捕数十名集会者;至于聚集在男宿舍外的集会者,则逃往医​院旁的小山坡。

负责救护车事务的职员指出,由于警方在医院前 面的马路前后夹击集会者,他们在无处可逃​的情况下,才会纷纷逃往同善医院避难。

同善医院对面是被围墙围着的人民广场废置建筑 物,集会者面对警方的催泪弹和水炮攻击时​无法往该处逃难,但镇暴队却又在集会者后方部下重阵,企图围堵集会者。

近百 名警员、镇暴队及便衣警员随后也冲入医院。他们一看到黄衣人或穿着净选盟T恤人士​就抓!!!

*催泪弹是射中同善隔壁的医院 (Hospital Bersalin Cina--华人接生院),化学液体是射同善医院门口,镇暴部队最后是冲进医院抓了十​几人。

请 大家分享出去!!!

Anne, from setapak, took a bus ride down to KL, ALONE, in support of the rally. she was stopped 4 times, being asked her IC, and questioned by the police on why she's wearing yellow. "why can't I wear yellow?" was her reply.
she didn't know what time the rally was scheduled to start, she didn't know where, she has no one with her; all she knew was to get down to KL, and stand for what she believes in.

the first thing she asked when she sat on our table, "what are you guys doing here?"

Anne teaches English in government schools for about 35 years (if i remember correctly). but her passion is really singing and dancing; and what she values most in her life now is freedom.

Anne has rallied in bersih 2007. she was disappointed as to why no one else was wearing yellow that day. we said chill lah.. that's cuz if we do, we'd be stopped by the cops even before we get the chance to enter KL. "it's so sad.. it's so sad that the police are treating our rakyats like these."

"When you come to rallies, there's a spirit of unity... something i cannot describe... when everyone is united for a cause. you don't even get this sort of unity in church."

She left me with a question that still resides in my heart. now may i impose on you to think about it. "Why do we have to feel so scared (and threatened) in our own home land.. and by own countrymen?"



看大 马的暴力警察是怎样对待以为静坐催泪弹在眼前了都坚持不走的伟大英雄!
到地后轮到从后而来 的一群警察再继续的猛踢!

Malaysia to see how the police deal with the violence that sit in front of tear gas insist on not taking a great hero! Police ran him from afar, and then make every effort to go towards him to kick fell to the ground! To come from behind to turn after a group of police to continue to kick in! We should insist in the end as the hero salute!


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